Games of the Fire Emblem series are approximately the same popular in Russia as the Nintendo console, on which they have been exclusively released for almost twenty -five years. More precisely, even less. The fact is that, despite the rich history, the series got out of Japan only in 2003 in the seventh game, which was released without a subtitle in North America – just Fire Emblem (as you can see, such tricks in the gaming industry were not practiced today And not even yesterday).
Until recently, the seventh part was the most highly assessed game of the series – in many ways because it is an excellent tactical strategy – but the factor of novelty for Western players played an important role, and the fact that the developers first thought about newcomers who were concerned with a smooth increase in complexity. The latter (and, judging by Gamerankings.COM, universally recognized) today, the release of the series, AWAKENING, continues the ideas of a year ago: the game has become even more friendly to the user and introduced a new mechanics that seriously refreshed the usual gameplay.
Chrome hero
First of all, AWAKENING is a thoroughbred Japanese tactics. There is a large battlefield, broken into cells, on which two armies encounter, your and enemy. Each soldier occupies a separate place, both in the literal and figurative sense: there are no faceless archers, spearmen and magicians, all characters – personality with a unique appearance and characters.
Here is Frederick, deputy prince of Chroma in the organization "Shepherds" (they consider themselves to be combatants, although in fact it is a full -fledged knightly order), and in fact – his personal bodyguard. Here is Vaik-awesome, but a good-natured healthy blond, who prefers his large ax to any weapon. Here Sumia is an incredibly bold warrior on Pegasus, inconsolably in love with chromium, and therefore forever falling into uncomfortable situations.
[[Bullet]] The player acts as a stranger who has lost memory, which the royal family accidentally discovers ..
The story of each character is more or less revealed in the main plot, but you can learn about the actors much more thanks to a curious system of relations. Fighting shoulder to shoulder (t.e. Standing on neighboring cells), heroes temporarily increase each other's characteristics (plus ten to shock, plus five to the probability of evading enemy attacks and t.D.). Two soldiers are even allowed to unite at any time into a group, and they will act as one combat unit. But that's not all. Before the battle, you can conduct sincere conversations, so you discover new facts from the biography of the heroes, strengthen their friendship (a detachment of two characters with developed relations – a real death machine, acts several times more effective than any unit), which has a chance to develop into what -more … Heroes of the opposite sex can get married and give birth to a child who immediately grows up (temporary paradoxes have always found a place in Fire Emblem) and at your request joins the army.
There are so many affordable fighters that the head goes around. As the plot develops, new characters constantly appear, in addition, during the execution of secondary quests, someone can ask for your command. Say, if you rescue the mother of the village shepherd from the hands of the bandits, he will beg him to take him to the detachment in order to become a shepherd of a completely different caliber in the future and fight with evil.
Fire Emblem has always been famous not only for the rare study of characters, but also by the fact that their death in battle had a permanent character: having died, the hero left your detachment forever. He could appear in the plot-vibrant rollers, but it was impossible to use it in the battles.
[[Bullet]] In the “strategic” mode, the game looks very, very mediocre: sloppy sprite heroes seem alien in the three -dimensional field. But during the plot rollers and battles, a pleasant animation and a 3D effect pull the game to a rather high level for the platform.
However, there was one way to return the warrior to life, however, not quite honest: it was necessary to restart the console and start the mission at first. Many people did it – you manage to rush too much to your heroes during the passage – but the very fact that the logic of the game did not forgive the defeats (and restart the console once again, I must say, the pleasure of unpleasant), forced to act with tripled caution.
In AWAKENING, along with the classic hardcore mode, the casual. Here, the soldiers who died during the battle return to the army again after its completion, although the death of your hero (as well as members of the royal family or critically important at a particular moment of the character) denotes the instant Game Over.
Each warrior has its own strengths and weaknesses. The horsemen on pegas (and other flying mounts) can move far and fighting in the air, but vulnerable to arrows and spells; In turn, archers and magicians can fade over enemies at a distance, but in close combat are almost powerless. Smarks are effective against swordsmen, swordsmen – against soldiers with axes, warriors with axes – against spearmen. Add to this a wide range of weapons and spells, more than forty classes, an abundance of various skills (it is allowed to use up to five active at a time), features of the area, the system of relations, the ability to seize towers and combine heroes into detachments – and you will understand what fantastic depth opens up for The battlefield.
[[Bullet]] at the top: CGI Roliki is simply amazing. Sorry, there are not many of them. Below: … the tie is banal, but the appearance of the hero can be set at his discretion.
Of course, if you play Normal and with immortal heroes, you can not particularly bother with either the inventory, nor with the hinges of skills, or with the strengthening of friendship between the characters – it is enough not to do very stupid acts (say, let the prince of chromium or not on the front edge of the attack of the chromium or not Take a doctor with you). But in the Classic mode, at the level of the complexity of “Lunatic Plus”, Awakening turns into such hardcore that you are afraid to press the console buttons into the case from stress. We have to compare the prices of identical goods in different stores, do not shimmer third -party quests and very carefully select the party. With all this, you need to be very neat: any mistake can cost a veteran in the development of which you invested a lot of time and effort.
Gameplay is not the only advantage of Fire Emblem. Despite the fact that most of the games of the series tells their own stories, which also unfold on separate continents-uniforms, they are all united by general stylistics and folklore.
AWAKENING is a sweeping, epic adventure with princes and princesses, evil sorcerers and witches, noble knights and vile robbers. With the campaigns, defense of castles, the salvation of hostages, the search for powerful artifacts, touching love stories, faithful friends, betrayal and simple, inexpressible jokes. We again risk remaining incomprehensible, but still say – so units are able, and in Nintendo, perhaps, it can be sincere, without hitting in vulgar banality.
Yes, you have heard such stories a million times before and hear a million times after, the archetypes of the heroes are ordinary, the plot logic sometimes suffers, but this is the case when all this is appropriate. Convenities in Japanese role -playing games are a common phenomenon, you notice them subconsciously and immediately throw them out of your head, since the quality of execution and, if you want, the love with which AWAKENING is made, outweigh any disadvantages.
Cool plot:
Easy to master:
Sound and music:
Interface and management:
The most affordable release Fire Emblem today. AWAKENING is an excellent tactical strategy with a couple of unique features. For the sake of playing this level, it is overdone to buy 3DS, since it will not stand idle after passing – there are a bunch of other wonderful projects on the platform.
Mania rating: 8.5
Tactics is Japanese
If you liked AWAKENING, be sure to read these series
Final Fantasy Tactics
[Bullet]] Final Fantasy Tactics can safely advise even those who did not like the "license plates" parts.
To the question "What tactical jrpg should I choose?»You will first advise Final Fantasy Tactics with a probability of 90%. We will advise: it has a serious story about the civil war, betrayal and religion, and the tactical gameplay itself is considered one of the best in the genre.
Despite this, it should be approached by Final Fantasy Tactics with some caution. Here is an extremely high threshold of entry, and already on the third plot task, she will make you howl first, and then sit down and carefully understand the mechanics of the game.
The fact is that each of your character has a profession in which you can gradually master different skills. Responsibility for the choice of these professions, as well as for the general vector of the development of the team completely and completely lies with the player. In fact, they give you an instrument and explain the rules, after which you can experiment as you like: no one prevents you from collecting a detachment of magicians and arranging a local Armageddon to the enemy. Or, say, to use the witch-mathematician, which differs from the rest of the wizards in that its spells choose goals depending on different factors-the geographical height at which the victim is located, left-handed, etc.D.
The nearest PC-orientier- Baldur’s Gate , where the D&D system encouraged a creative approach to solving problems and strategic thinking at the same time.
Advance Wars
[Bullet]] In modern Advance Wars, those same four parties should unite against a common threat – Black Hole.
Advance Wars is a tactic without role -playing elements and complex pumping, and there is no special Japanese magic here: the fictional countries, which are guessed by the United States, Germany, Japan and Russia, are conducted on the invented continent. Airplanes, tanks, ships, infantry are used, and charismatic commanders command forces.
Close attention is paid to commanders in AW, because the global characteristics of your forces and a set of capabilities that can turn the course of the battle depend on them. The spoiled young man Colin strengthens his non-skilled troops in proportion to the means in the treasury (and sometimes rapidly breaks the game), his colleague grit, who does not take off his coat and cowboy hat, is a fan of artillery, and the fat man like Santa Claus miraculously causes a terrible snowstorm (such "Olafs", if anything, the developers see Russians).
Series games often look frivolous (except Days of ruin , which is about death, suffering and post -apocalypse), but, nevertheless, they require the ultimate concentration and, in fact, tactical thinking: you need to seize the territories, block the plants, take into account the features of the territories … Tasks for the end of the game are more like puzzles, where every rash step is cruelly punishable enemy.
[[Bullet]] Professor Nina 902 is not the wildest thing you can see in the game.
The games of the series offer great tactical capabilities and endless grind: the level of your fighters can reach 9999, and the counter can be dropped several times to start pumping again, but with improved characteristics.
But not only characters are improved in DisgaEA. To strengthen any object, you need to know its essence-literally go inside the thing and go through arbitrarily generated levels (in appearance, by the way, completely ordinary). The more deeply immerse yourself in the subject, the higher its characteristics will become.
In the original Disgaea, we play for the ruler of the underworld, who is obliged to coordinate each of his slices with the government. Wanted new weapons and a couple of quests? It is necessary to bow to the ruling party and ask to update the assortment in stores and give any interesting tasks, and if they refuse, you can try to achieve your bribe or use force.
You probably thought that Disgaea is a series about endless grind and politics, but this. Among the selection, it is the most frivolous. For example, the souls of sinners in Disgaea are reborn into clumsy and explosive Prinny penguins, and the most important delicacy in the underworld is pudding.