“If the developer is a player, this interferes with the development”: how they create a “war of worlds: Siberia”

In August 2023, developers from 1C Games Studios announced the plot action of the "War of Worlds: Siberia". The developers took as a basis the classic novel by Herbert Wells “War of the Worlds”, but the action will unfold in the Russian Empire. The plot will focus on the stories of several characters that are saved from an alien invasion, running away from St. Petersburg deep into the country.

Until recently, the authors showed almost nothing to the public, limiting himself to concept arts and one short video, but on April 16, a press conference dedicated to cooperation between the theater and the game studio was held at the Moscow Ermolova Theater. We visited her, learned a lot of new things, and now we are sharing with you.

“We are interested. This is in Russian "

At the beginning, Chapter 1C Game Studios Albert Zhiltsov told why it was decided to cooperate with the theater. According to him, the idea of ​​collaboration was born naturally: https://sister-site.org/voodoodreams/ the Mokap needs special expressiveness, which theatrical actors possess. As the developer noted, young artists are very motivated and quickly mastered all the subtleties of work in an unusual environment.

“We will return the actors better than they took. We will teach them something new. You have created the actors from them, and we will find a way to apply their talent, ” – Albert tenants.

The representative of the theater, in turn, said that the Ermolova Theater is the first in the world who "subscribed to such an adventure". According to him, one of the goals of cooperation between two groups is a desire to increase the popularity of the theater among that audience that traditionally does not interact with it.

About the game

Describing the project, representatives of 1C Games Studios, apparently, were very afraid to repeat the fate of “Troubles”: at a press conference several times the phrase “To be in a situation, like colleagues from the industry”. This also explains the lack of detailed information about the game – the creators obviously do not want to give false hope and make promises, which then they will not be able to hold back.

Albert Residents were extremely reluctant to talk about the deadline for the output of the project and limited himself to assurances that by the end of the year the world will be given “evidence that we can do it”. Even the head of the studio, openly, was not eager to talk about the sources of inspiration, only noticing that some mechanics would be “borrowed from good games”.

“If the developer is a player, then this is more in the development of. Knowledge of games does not help in the development of games, ”Albert tenants.

At a press conference, it was repeatedly stated that the “War of the Worlds” will be a classic adventure with an emphasis on the plot. First of all, developers want to tell an interesting story, not being distracted by the elaboration of an open world or side tasks. That is why there will be no “no experiments” in the game, and the goal is stated by Maxim “The player plays enthusiastically”. At the same time, the "war of the worlds" will not be a "gaming".

Promise interesting bossFites and tense battles. There will be no crowds of enemies, and in general the game will not force to fight or go ahead with a checker at the ready. On the contrary, it is stated that the main idea of ​​the combat system is “it is better to avoid opponents”. Both cold and firearms will be presented

Answering the question of the main thought of the game, Albert Residents noticed that 1C Games Studios want to show how a person adapts and survives in difficult situations. There will be ambiguous characters and dubious acts, but no "gray morality".

Work the War of Worlds will be on the Unity engine. The developers already have experience with this environment: their previous project is made on Unity, the Tactical online player Caliber.

“Not a single engine is suitable from the box,” Albert tenants.

The game world

The game will unfold at the end of the 19th century. According to Sergei Burkatovsky, the creative director of the War of Worlds: Siberia, we will play for people from the most different layers of society. The developers promise to carefully convey the historical situation and the way of life of Russia of that time. However, you should not wait for one hundred percent historical reliability.

Many characters and events, although they will have real prototypes, will remain fictional. Even the ruling dynasty here is called Romeev, and not Romanovs. Heroes will constantly wander around the cities and weights affected by invasion. The settlements will be fictional, but their architecture and locations are inspired by the real beauties of the Russian hinterland.

Residents assure that there will be no socio-political comments in the game. According to him, the developers "want to engage only in creativity, without subtext". More interestingly, Sergey Burkatovsky enthusiastically discusses the ambiguity of the historical era and the complexity of the social structure of the Russian Empire, and also states that the game “gets to everyone” and the studio “will try to highlight all the spheres of society”. He also noted that in Russia there was a kind of “caste way”, which will be interesting to speculate about.

In addition, Sergei Borisovich said that he wrote about other places where the game could also take place. Among them are Austria-Hungary, Paris, Central Asia “based on the“ White Sun of the Desert ”” and America, in which he allocated new England, the southern states and the wild West. When asked about the possible appearance of these places in the future, for example, in additions to the game, he did not answer, referring to the fact that it is too early to talk about this so far.

"We will discuss after the release"

Despite the fact that many details of the project are still a secret, we can already say that the “War of the Worlds: Siberia” promises to become one of the most interesting and expected games of the coming years. The developers are betting on a worked out setting, an exciting plot and a tense gameplay, avoiding spraying forces to extra details. It is hoped that 1C Games Studios will be able to realize all its plans and give us really memorable game experience.

On the other hand, we could not help but catch the eye with the caution with which the representative of 1C Game Studios talked about the game. Perhaps the most common answer to the questions of “gambling” and our journalists' colleagues were phrases: “We will discuss after the release”.

The creators obviously hold a hand on the pulse of the industry and do not want to make statements or public actions that can harm the image of the project. On the other hand, we cannot but be afraid that such public caution became a continuation of the tense situation inside the studio itself. We hope that direct creators work without constant pressure from the dairy burns of the Russian Gamery.

“Our colleagues often talk about time, and then suffer. We’ll talk about the release at the end of 2025, ”Albert of the Residents.

The game has every chance of becoming one of the main hits of the Russian gaming industry and a decent rethinking of the classical work of Herbert Wells. More details about the “War of Worlds: Siberia” are expected closer to the fall – according to the developers, the project is quite ambitious, and by the end of the year they intend to “prove that they are able to do this”.

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